Location: Wellington, New Zealand

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

The Agony of Realisation

I just realised I am in huge debt. I mean, I was always aware that I have a student loan, but it has only really just sunk in.

I have just completed five years of study and have my first real grown-up job. As I was filling out my tax forms and payment details it suddenly struck me: ‘My God, I am over $50,000 in debt’. And it will be with me for a very long time. On a teacher’s salary I’m never going to be rich. So the plan is to marry into wealth.

No, not really. But $50,000! That’s a lot of money where I come from. Well at least I won’t have to pay interest, bless the Labour government.

I think the best strategy to deal with this black cloud hovering over me is denial. The repayments will come out of my pay and I’ll never have to think about it.

What student loan?


Blogger michael the tubthumper said...

i know exactly how you feel.

i have been pursuing a strategy of hoping it will go away of its own accord.

it doesnt seem to be working yet

February 16, 2006 5:08 am  
Blogger Mark T said...

I listen to the Dave Ramsey show out here in the US - he gets people out of debt using the financial peace plan. He's a no nonsense talking guy, and talks a lot of sense...check out his site at there are some good tips there for managing money


February 18, 2006 1:21 am  

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