Location: Wellington, New Zealand

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Tsu Tsu Tsunami

So I woke up this morning at 6.15, had a shower, and turned on the news, as is my routine. I just caught the 6.30 news which declared that the Tsunami warning for New Zealand had been cancelled. I'm sorry, did you just say Tsunami? Yes, the Tsunami that was supposed to hit New Zealand right about the time that I was watching that particular item.

So while most Kiwis were tucked peaefully in bed, civil-services were on alert. What I want to know is: how would we have been warned if the Tsunami had actually decided to travel down from the waters of Tonga and cross our fair shores. Do we have those big air-raid signals that you hear on war movies? Or would a fireman calmly knock on our door and tell us to head for the hills (conveniently we are actaullly situated on a hill, so maybe we would have been advised to stand on our roof).

What I also want to know is why weren't we woken up by panicked friends and relations on the other side of the world, as many of my colleagues were. Do you guys not watch the news?

Ah well, all was fine in the end. But I do find it kind of....not scary, more creepy, but not creepy like clowns are creepy, another type of creepy. We are used to earthquakes and floods in Wellington, and draughts, volcano actvity, and hurricanes in other regions. However I never really thought of a Tsunami; another natual disater to add to the list.


Blogger Mark T said...

Im a news junky, and I missed that one! Sorry...mind you, watch out for that huge meteor heading your way tomorrow night :-)

May 05, 2006 4:56 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey Lisa,

Well I was up at 5am and signed onto my email to be asked on messanger if i was ok from a women I knew in the Uk. So turned on the news - woke parents and daves parents up and shortly after it showed that it was cancelled. In Gisborne Dave was saying that the police evacuated people. There is also cival defence bells if u will at our fire stations etc that are very load.
It is quiet a odd thought of it happening but every possibilty.
Dave and I have been having dreams for months about one hitting eastborne petone way *fingers crossed hey*

May 05, 2006 3:01 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

excuse my spelling miss ;-) *winks*

May 05, 2006 3:04 pm  
Blogger Lis said...

One pund per 15 mins (don't have pound symbol on laptop). That's crazy. I wasn't blaming you specifcally though, Costi :)

And it would be very difficult to have warned me Mark, as I'm pretty sure you don't have my phone number...unless you are my secret stalker.

Thay's weird about those dreams Skye, have there been any more after the warning?

May 06, 2006 2:10 pm  
Blogger Lis said...

hehe, pund.

May 06, 2006 2:12 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ha ha Yes I always wondered where the pound symbol is.
No, we have not had any more dreams. Hopefully no more from here on in :-)

May 06, 2006 7:41 pm  
Blogger Mark T said...

Even if I had your phone number, its probably expensive to call NZ (im so tight!) So I probably would have just e mailed you instead!

May 08, 2006 6:01 pm  
Blogger Lis said...

cheers Mark, I'll remember to check my email when I hear the roar of a tremedous wave coming :)

May 08, 2006 7:27 pm  
Blogger Mark T said...

No Problem Lis, just doing my bit for the global village :-)

May 11, 2006 9:10 pm  
Blogger Mark T said...

You still posting Lis?!

June 13, 2006 7:10 pm  

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