Location: Wellington, New Zealand

Sunday, July 29, 2007

"O, reason not the need!"

I’m going to King Lear, and I’m rather excited about it.

The Royal Shakespeare Company is coming to town, and although that may not be a big deal to you Londonites, they rarely venture down here.

As no one appears to be quite as big a nerd as me, I’m going by myself, a new experience. I’ve never even been to the movies alone. I will also still be in cast with crutches, so I will be a particularly sad sight.

All for the love of art.


Blogger Mark T said...

I love a bit of Shakey, myself. I've been to a few plays over here (Tempest, Much ado...etc) but never with the RSC - even though I used to live close to Stratford upon Avon

I'll go with you, if you can stump up the airfare :-)

July 29, 2007 11:27 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'd go with ya Lis. I still haven't been to the Globe here yet - waiting for you to get here and come with me :-)

costi (who STILL can't remember her login)

August 03, 2007 8:03 am  
Blogger Steve said...

Hey there,

I'm back! Do you remember me? It's been over a year, so possibly not. In case you don't, this is a link to my old blog:

And this is the link to my new one:

I started it back up to journal about my vacation to California and hope to keep it going with intelligent and witty banter. And I miss my New Zealand connection, so I hope you're still in my corner! Very impressive that you still have yours going strong. Here's to trans-global connections...

August 09, 2007 4:36 pm  

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