Location: Wellington, New Zealand

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

"It is only a step from boredom to disillusionment, which leads naturally to self-pity, which in turn ends in chaos."

One would think that being immobile I would have the chance to come up with some profound thoughts to share with the world. One would think. However I have had no such epiphanies or even amusing theories. My mind is decidedly turning to mush as my leg lies limp inside a cast. The only thinking I have had to do is setting relief work for my classes, and this task simply infuriates me. Even though my colleagues are bemoaning that I get time off from work, I have been finding it very difficult to set work that I’m not actually able to teach. Which must mean I am a teacher-centred educator instead of a ‘student-centred facilitator’ that we were taught to be at Teacher’s College. On reflection, I do tend to talk a lot in my classes, and always encourage class discussions and debates. But you cannot set this as relief, as the relieving teacher may not be English trained, let alone know the topic you are studying. Perhaps it will be good for the students to actually get on with work without my help. Now I feel I’m an over-bearing control-freak.

I think I just had an epiphany.


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