I hold the world but as the world

Location: Wellington, New Zealand

Sunday, December 24, 2006

Christmas Spirit

Hey look at me, twice in two days! I'm on a roll!

A few friends came over last night for some 'quiet drinks' (I decided we should leave when said friends started to play-fight too close to the bookshelves). We proceeded into town, which was strangely quiet for this time of year, and went to a couple of bars. On a walk down Courtney Place a man infront of me dropped a ten dollar note as he pulled something from his pocket. I picked it up and tapped him on the shoulder to give it back to him. He looked at me in amazement. "You angel. Thank you so much. What an honest girl."

As I continued walking to catch up with the boys (who had kindly not waited for me) I had that warm feeling you get when you do something nice for someone. But it wasn't what I did, but his response that mattered. Had he just said thank you, I would have been on my way and not have given the incident another moment's thought. But it was his absolute suprise that, in turn, suprised me.

I would never have thought of pocketing the money myself when I had seen the person drop it two seconds before. First of all, it really is just like stealing. Secondly, who knows what his financial situation is? That $10 could have meant the difference between getting home safely in a taxi or an hour-long walk home. Thirdly, it's Christmas people! Not that I am hugely into the festive season myself, but if people are going to be honest and kind, surely this is the time to show it.

Sometimes I despair of we as a species, as I'm sure many of you do too. But maybe I'm just over-analysing all of this whilst at the same time giving myself a hearty pat on the back for my honesty.

Saturday, December 23, 2006

Blue Christmas

I've decided to post again.
I've been really busy with the end of year at school and numerous festive gatherings. Plus with my lap-top being stolen from my classroom, I haven't had ready access to the net. I've also had my fair share of relationship struggles. Sometimes I feel I'm living the Bridget Jones life. At one moment I am deleriously happy with someone, the next I'm left heart-broken. I'm not an overly emotional person, in fact I tend to hold everything in, and I HATE crying infront of people. But I think that as I get older and learn more about myself I'm also more comfortable opening up to people. The down-fall of this is that it gives people the chance to hurt you. I went through a stage of 'numbness' earlier this year, and so I believe all these emotional ups and downs has been good for me; I feel more 'real'. It also allows me to be more creative, I am motivated to paint and draw again, something I have put off for too long now.

This seems highly personal to put on a blog, but I want people to remember that we need unhappiness to contrast happiness. It is also very cheesey, but there's a reason cliches are cliches.

I want to wish everbody a lovely Christmas and I hope you are all well.

Take care