I hold the world but as the world

Location: Wellington, New Zealand

Tuesday, August 28, 2007


Aggghhhhhh stressed!

Did you know that when you were at school and were stressing about upcoming exams, your teachers were right there pulling their hair out with you? I have so much to get through with my kids in so little time, even with after school revision classes. And then there is the marking of 150 essays in two weeks after the exam.

I don't want to go to school!

Thursday, August 23, 2007

One small step for man...

I got my cast off today. I was so excited; the freedom of being unencumbered, having hands free of supports. However, this promise of a normal life was crudely snatched away from me by the introduction of THE MOONBOOT.

Now, The Moonboot is a sexy black number; a contraption of Velcro and buckles with an open toe, the perfect accessory for any outfit.

I think I preferred the cast. It was a lot sleeker and at least you could tell that I had a broken foot. Now I just look like I have a gammy leg.

Stupid Moonboot.